Dozens of people come to my office every week to discuss issues of importance to them, their families, their organizations. Without a doubt, it is the parents of children with severe emotional disturbance, and the parents of adult children with mental illness, who are the most impassioned.
I’ve spoken with so many of these parents over the years, and it was, in large part, because of their stories that I became the lead sponsor on this initiative.
Despite the differences in specific facts, the stories of these parents are very similar: They knew early on that their children were different in some way, and at some point their children began failing in school as the level of impairment increased. The parents tried for years to get help for their children, and they couldn’t do it. Despite their efforts, their good intentions, and their love for their children, these parents could not successfully intervene early enough in the process to provide services and treatment for their children in order to prevent their children’s illnesses from causing significant levels of impairment in the children’s lives.
The parents, who were, unbeknownst to them, facing what we now know as “barriers to access,” feel exhausted, and they feel unsuccessful, and they feel guilty.
One of the main goals of the initiative is to make help available to parents who want it for their children.
I’ll comment in the future about these barriers to access to services. Meantime, you might check out the Surgeon General’s report on children’s mental health, calling it a public health crisis in this country, and also the Little Hoover Commission’s report with respect to the crisis in California. The more educated we become on this issues, the better we can work together.
Also, if you have a story involving your child and your attempts to get services for your child, please share it on our web site. Click here to go to our Share Your Story page. Sharing your story is an important way of contributing to our goal of raising awareness.
On a final note, if you haven't seen it already, check out Rex Babin's political cartoon that ran in today's Sacramento Bee.