Official Weblog of the Campaign for Mental Health

  • Hi, I'm California Assembly Member Darrell Steinberg, and I invite you to join me in supporting this statewide ballot initiative to support expanded mental health care programs.
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March 29, 2004


Barbara Ravetti

The event you have planned sounds wonderful--very media-savvy and a great way to help people understand this illness. Thanks for your efforts on behalf of people with mental illness. I've just discovered this site and I've already spread the word to my parents' and caregivers group. It's so heartening to know that people are working so hard to help.

Barbara, Redondo Beach

Darrell Steinberg

Barbara, thank you very much for your feedback, and for your commitment as well. I may have been the first politician ever to have mental health issues as my campaign platform when I ran for a seat in the Assembly in 1998, but that's where my heart was, and I've never regretted it. Aside from the initiative, I'm carrying a bill this legislative session regarding mental health treatment for minors in the juvenile justice system. I'll write more about that bill in a future post. That bill is being heard by the Assembly Public Safety Committee tomorrow morning. Thank you very much for spreading the word to your friends, colleagues, and family.

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