I've often said that this initiative will be the most important thing I will do in my life, and I really believe that it will be. The services provided by the money raised as a result of the work we are doing now will fund mental health services for generations to come. I am just incredibly moved by that thought. And I am very honored to be part of establishing a law that will solidly establish a new direction in the delivery of mental health services--one that is voluntary on the part of consumers, and one that considers consumers to be partners, equal partners, in their treatment. And this new direction will be one that incorporates prevention and early intervention, so that people don't have to "fail first" before they get services. We know that we can prevent mental illnesses from becoming severe and disabling by making available and accessible these prevention and early intervention services.
Yesterday I spoke at the Consumers' Network rally on the North Steps of the Capitol. I wanted to share a photo with you as consumers have been partners in this initiative, and they have also taught me so much.