Official Weblog of the Campaign for Mental Health

  • Hi, I'm California Assembly Member Darrell Steinberg, and I invite you to join me in supporting this statewide ballot initiative to support expanded mental health care programs.
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« Steve Fields and More on Prop. 63 | Main | Kelsey's Story: Ending Discrimination »

October 24, 2004



When I first learned about prop 63 I thought it was a good idea. But the more I think about it, the more disturbed I got.
Why only tax people making over $1,000,000? Why not $100,000? Why not? You would get a lot more money if you taxed people making $100,000.
The reason I think it only goes after people making $1,000,000 is because there are very few people who make that kind of money, so therefore they won't be able to defend themselves against the millions of other voters and prop 63 should pass pretty easily.
I am disturbed because this is a case of the majority population taking advantage of a minority group.
I don't think that the rich will be hurting if they pay an extra 1% tax. Not at all.
But I worry about others using this same tactic to take advantage of other minority groups.
There are so many worhty causes out there: battered women, homeless, alcoholics etc.,
that could use the same logic to fund their needs. Where will it end? Soon the threshold will drop to lower income groups to raise money.
If there is a tax, everyone should pay the tax.
Ethically, the money for noble causes should come from the the pockets of its supporters, not pryed out of the pockets of someone else.
I think Prop 63 is a noble idea that is treading on dangerous water: if Prop 63 can
do this for their cause, why can't other good causes do the same?


I have a question,

How come the cost of mental health is so high? it cost more than a luxury hotel. How come drug companies that make so much profit from each drug and fight to keep them from beeing produced generically get favored in the budgets? HOW COME THERE ARE NO CURES AND THERE IS A HIGH RATE OF MISDIAGNOSIS IN THE FILED? How come the department of Mental Health in California is being investigated by the Justice Department for such flagrant Violations and fraud? why is that money not being used for teh benefit of the patients? If this is for the well being of the mentally ill, how come you have no clearly designated programs? Mental health is your to priority because it is big profit for you and your budies, while the mentally ill still have no housing, not enough access to generic drugs, and squalid conditions.The money never gets to them really. This is just wrong!!!! no I do not want my children to bear the burden of too expensive,corrupt and not workable system that is riddle with fraud. Why can't the proposed budget be audited or inspected? so that the ongoing fraud is not uncovered? if you are going to raise money for mental health, then you sholud make it transparent so we can all see it does go to the benefit of the patients and not just the few pockets. Show us where every cent is spent, as in housing, better medications at lower prices, which can be done, and ocupational training, and better food for the mentally ill, then I'll consider it. Meanwhile a few made rich from the pockets of others who work hard, in the name of unfortunate ones, not a good combination at ALL

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How come the department of Mental Health in California is being investigated by the Justice Department for such flagrant Violations and fraud? If this is for the well being of the mentally ill, how come you have no clearly designated programs?

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