Official Weblog of the Campaign for Mental Health

  • Hi, I'm California Assembly Member Darrell Steinberg, and I invite you to join me in supporting this statewide ballot initiative to support expanded mental health care programs.
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October 15, 2004


concerned and worried

For many years, the "MENTAL HEALTH" approach to all kinds of common problems has been to drug people, even drug rehab is "handled" by substituting drigs.

Claifornia spend 2.5 billion on mental health programs last year. According to Grand Jury Audit in LA County, in 2002 just one children Mental Health Facility cost taxpayers at least $276,000 a year per child
That is more than ten times what it costs to keep an prison inmte i his cell for a year 7 ties the price of of a yaer in a California youh authority detention center. Now if this is not shoking enough, then look at this one. That much momey can pay for a delux room at the Regent Bebely Wilshire Hotel in Baberly Hills with extra money in plenty for room service for a year!!! and you people are short n funds?
how about the many kids who were placed on dangerous SSRIs now under investigation and subject to black box warning by FDA regulation due to their incresed suicidal thoughts as a marked side effect? this cost tax payers billions of dollars and yet many kids were found to calm down and respond to simple routine medical check ups, showing there was a mal nutricion problem, or a real physical illness causing their "behaviour problems" or their inatention. How about the meny kids that have died under mental health care? when they had no physical illness that would provoque that? or the heart complications many kids now suffer? how much did that cost? is that why you wnat the money to be spendable without acess to the Gopvernor or the legislature? How could you cry out for "more money" when not only the exorbitant cost of mental health is unjustified and your results are pittyful, but also California has ben penalzed 73.3 milliom dollars off of Tax payer's money, due to FALSE CLAIMS ACT, violations submited to the Federal Governement's medicaid in the Menatal Health Sector? You can't be serious about the dire need of money, how about starting to spend the billuions you already take in in a wise manner? honeslty? how about getting someone cured for a change? Menatl Health aPhylosophy masqaurades for science, yet it fails to pass any of the requirements of Scientific procedure. it is NOT an exact science, no one can say what the long term effects are of brian alteration trhough powerfull chemicals, and no one can to date identify the exact "Chemical inbalance" they don't know how much is corect amounts of chemicals in the brain or not, they just drugg pepople on a subjective test with a wide margin of error and a letany of voted in illnesess. How is that a science? and how come that can cost more than normal medicine costs?. Yes, people do need help with menatl conditions, but this bill is not going to solve anything. It is the same old, throw money at the problem and hope it'll be better, that is a provenly failed approach. NO NO NO ON 63 FOR GOODNESS SAKE. let's resolve the ethical issues that riddle the mental health community, let's resolve it's love affair with the pharmaceutical industry and let's aduit the current programs and budget, cut out the wastefull spending and get honest and straight. It is the future of our children, not just the meony we are now making.

Also, your proposition propones that the required subsidy can not be cut and can not fall short of the projected level and can not be used to balance the budget, so if the 1% on millionaires does not foot the bill, then we are the ones who will inebitably pay for it. and our children will inherite the burden. NO NO NO NO.

Glenis Batley

Mental illness is something that is created. In Ernest Hemingway's case, he was said to be paranoid and was given electric shock therapy which stold his memeory. As he was a writer, it stold his life. He committed suicide. Too late, we find the FBI was indeed surveiling him and his "delusions" were correct. Now, we have madness being manufactured by psychiatrists voting new illnesses - FOR WHICH THEY GET PAID - into existence by show of hands. One of the most hilarious lines is, "it's a chemical imbalance in your brain." We've all heard that, right? It's a complete total and utter lie! The ONLY way you get a chemical imbalance that is actually physically measurable is by taking drugs! Anyway, we can't afford to entrust the field of mental health to psychiatry. Psychiatry is for domination - period. It was useful for Hitler and his ilk. No on Prop 63 and get the shrinks out of California and the US!

Glenis Batley

Mental illness is something that is created. In Ernest Hemingway's case, he was said to be paranoid and was given electric shock therapy which stold his memeory. As he was a writer, it stold his life. He committed suicide. Too late, we find the FBI was indeed surveiling him and his "delusions" were correct. Now, we have madness being manufactured by psychiatrists voting new illnesses - FOR WHICH THEY GET PAID - into existence by show of hands. One of the most hilarious lines is, "it's a chemical imbalance in your brain." We've all heard that, right? It's a complete total and utter lie! The ONLY way you get a chemical imbalance that is actually physically measurable is by taking drugs! Anyway, we can't afford to entrust the field of mental health to psychiatry. Psychiatry is for domination - period. It was useful for Hitler and his ilk. No on Prop 63 and get the shrinks out of California and the US!


Dear Glenis,
I am sad that you have such a negative view of psychiatry when my experience has been quite the opposite. I have had the good furtune to have competent therapy which has been an extremely helpful part of my life. I wish you the best in learning what is helpful for your life.

Anthony Bussie

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You are a fake and a fraud, Mr. Bussie, and I know ye shall be stopped in your tracks, and fail at all you do to hurt others in trying to gain for yourself. Being a scam-srtist is against the law, you know. And if you are so real, then why is everyone ignoring your posts on all the websites you post on, and blowing you off? You claim to know all these famous people - honey, I really do - and CAN prove it; you don;t and can;t.

I reported you - and if you think you're fooling anyone - you're not. I will not stand by and allow the lieskk of you to take advantage of poor folks.

So stupid - you don;t even know what this website is about, and you're posting about your junk here (duh - this site page isn;t about "psychis", dumm-dumm!) - I pity the poor webmaster who did this site - and all the other webmasters you've bothered.

you think I didn't do my homework? I did - and extensively ..... guess you didn't. But I do hope that out of posting on this man's website you DO get the mental help you need - cause I believe you are living in an illusion world and it's soon going to catch up with "real" reality - and you.

Anthony Bussie

That Remote View is real.


Make love, not war!


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I was watching elizabeth banks nude once and then I realized why not to make the whole website that would be dedicated to those photos of her... This idea is realized right now as you can see and this post is sort of as introduction. I hope you can get the maximum of what I am offering you... But before that, take a look at this photo of kelly brook naked naked that I have right here... Don't you think this one is the best among the other ones? Anyway, let's start our review already then.

She is blond and I love them very much... Being 20 years old I think she has done pretty much for her life. Most teens at the same age are either in college or having a party all day long seating without a job... But keira knightley nude is just an example for all of us... If you put your heart and soul into something then it will work for sure.

I bet every man regardless of age and sexual orientation would love to see lindsay lohan porn because that kind of beauty cannot be ignored.

Her body is something well proportioned and so young that I think she could do modeling with no problems. The only problem that could stop her from making that career is probably her height... Honestly, I don't know how tall she really is but when I see some photos of selena gomez sex tape I start assuming she is not less than 5'7 which is totally enough for becoming a model.

Her tits seem to be pretty small for me but I forget about that little shortage when I realize they are so smooth and elastic... Just imagining that you touch them can make you feel very excited... at least, works with me. I bet woman like her won't ever do a plastic surgery. Besides, she is 20 only and maybe she needs more time for her boobs to grow... I wish her tits would be pretty big in future... but only natural.

How about her ass? It is much bigger than her breasts so I think it is ok... She probably works in gym or something because having that cute butt without a hard work is impossible.

Now it is time to introduce you something else besides those pictures of vanessa hudgens pussy above as I think you might get bored with them... although this is something very hard to believe in. I will go with this one. "There's more to life than dating the boy on the football team." First of all, I bet all football players in her high school were trying to date her and many of them tried to get a chance to see selena gomez tits too... But I guess all of them failed as this girl has got some new and pretty high demands that have lead her to where she is right now. All school girls should take an example from her because there is more in your life than dating some popular guy from school. If you think that this can make you popular too, you are wrong... First of all, there is no guarantee that he will be a professional player and earn millions. Most people are ended up like Ell Bundy... this is pretty obvious comparison, but I guess it is funny.

So, how about we settle on this... Becoming popular means working hard from day to day which is what exactly pamela anderson sex video did and I'm very proud of this girl...

Nude celebrities have always been something all people want to be a part of... For example, when I look at this picture of alessandra ambrosio nude the only thing I can think of is pretending me being there with her on that pic. But there is nothing bad in that, right? Nobody kills or charges for that kind of thoughts... just kidding though, don't take it serious. Anyway, I would like to present you the second quote from her...

"People haven't always been there for me but music always has." Well, if you ask me to be there for you gabrielle anwar nude, I will always do that. I bet everyone else is feeling the same way, right? If not, then how about checking out some maggie q sex tape first and then I think you're ready...

I have got some victoria justice naked right there that I would like to share them with you if that's ok. Anyway, I hope you don't mind at all. Well then, let's go.

First I saw claire danes nude was somewhere between April and May on some nice photos. Back there I didn't pay much attention to her as a personality but when I realized how hot she really is I started to try to get her know better. The first thing that I have noticed about this young girl was her tiny tits. You might wonder how it was possible to notice them but let me tell you that when you see a woman standing topless it is pretty hard not to.

I guess it is time for our quote of the day from kelly brook porn so here it is "I've never really been popular with the boys." Too bad to hear that because woman like could easily do that thing. Being popular among boys is always tough but when you are pretty just like jennifer lopez nude, you can run them whatever you like and this is just fun for girls... I know that because I have been manipulated by one hot chick before I knew she only needed hard and dirty sex from me. Of course that didn't hurt at all but you get this feeling being a male whore and this is kind of unpleasant, you know.

Oh, that was quite nice, wasn't it? I think you liked it pretty much as I did.

Knock, knock... Who's there? It is me again but this time I have got some fresh jessica alba naked with me, so can I come in? Thank you.

Have you noticed what kind of curly and long gold hairs masiela lusha naked has? Oh yeah, this is the first thing why I love this woman. The second one would be her breast and then ass by the way. But let's stop on hairs. They are so rare and precious that I think she takes care of them every few hours. Can you imagine how much money she spends all the time to make a good hairstyle and those really expansive shampoos and other stuff that is just necessary? If you sum the whole money she gives on her hairs every month I am sure it will be ten times more than your monthly paycheck... No offence though.

As you know, it is time for her quote. "I love make-up. I play with my look and try on all kinds of colors" Girl, you are so young and gorgeous... Why would you need this stuff? I understand if Pam or Paris does that kind of thing all the time because they are uglier than you... Don't get me wrong, that's not what I was trying to say. You are very hot and I love you so much, but don't play with makeup because you can get used to it.

Yep, I know it was great and you had fun today... But unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to each other now.

If you don't believe that these pictures of marilyn monroe naked are real then explain yourself because if you don't then I am going to have to ask you to leave... just kidding by the way.

What a view... it is so amazing, isn't it? Oh, I am sorry, I didn't tell you. Have a look at this photo featuring gabrielle anwar nude because I am sure you won't forget that ever. She is only 20 years old but she is so pretty and mature already. I wonder how sexy she will look by the age of 30 or something because according to my pretty solid experience most women get their maxim sexuality when they something between 30 and 35. This is the top of being sexy and right now all women should support me... But don't think that if you are 49 or even 60 you can't look sexy anymore. There are thousands of examples that I can give you right here but you should know that by yourself.

And now here is her quote that might help you "In middle school and junior high, all my friends ditched me, so I was really lonely." I guess the problem was that sally field nude was nerd back there and thus nobody really wanted to be friends with her. But she tried to be herself and I bet they would carry her on their hands if only they knew what kind of star she will turn too pretty soon. And she did actually, however it is too late for those people.

This is it fellows, have a nice day.

I hope that this photo of jennifer tilly nude will be applicable here as that's what this review is all about.

Do you think you can easily watch those jennifer love hewitt nude on the web? Nah, I don't think so. You will have to do your best to find them as this is something quite rare and unique. It is not like for example searching Pam's naked photos because the whole world knows how to find them and the whole web is full of those sick pics. But if you come to this website by your own it means you did your best and right now you will definitely see some of those pics...

I saw this quote from her the other day and thought you might be interested. "A letdown is worth a few songs. A heartbreak is worth a few albums" I can fully agree with her on this point but there is something I don't like about her songs. No, really, they are like similar to each other and either about love or heartbreak which is probably the same thing. I would advise megan fox sex scene to step of a bit that kind of theme as first of all, she repels guys with her music by saying how some boy let someone down or something. And singing about love will only attract women and I don't think you are a lesbian.

Wow, I didn't expect this review will be that nice which means I did a good job here.

You probably came here for some lyndsy fonseca naked, right? Then please explain me one thing... What the hell are you waiting for?

Who would thought that we will watch one day these gorgeous pics of sarah roemer nude and will talk about the way her tits look on them. By the way, let's do that. I think her tits are pretty nice except for the fact that small. But I guess that's ok as she is only 20 years old and maybe they will grow a bit in some nearest future... At least that's what all her male fans hope for. I actually don't think that all men who can say diane kruger nude is one of their favorites, love her for her songs... They surely like her sexuality and the way she looks.

Now it would be appropriate to put this quote here... And just so you know it is from her. "Somebody who has a compatible sense of humor with me, this would be the most important thing," I have a huge sense of humor that can probably beat yours, jenna elfman nude. If you don't believe me then come on... bring it on. But being serious, I wish her to find that kind of guy that would make her laugh every day and she couldn't stop loving him for that... Damn it, I sound like gay again... Damn her songs, they make me feel sissy. See, I told you I can be fun.

Sad, very sad to say that but this is the end of my review... So I guess goodbye.

This good girl can be gone bad pretty soon. Take a chance to look at selena gomez porn here and you will understand what I am talking about. But for me, being bad is kind of sexy.

I wonder what it is like to see linda kozlowski nude live standing right in front of you. This chance will get only her boyfriend I guess and no one else... Well, maybe some doctor but I was talking about having sex. That fellow will be very happy and I will be calling him the luckiest son of a bitch, in a good way of course. Man, I wish I was her boyfriend just for one night and I would make a party and invite all my friends so they were jealous. And then, on the next morning I would say to them that I dumped her. That would be cool.

I remember this quote from her that I am sure you will find both, hilarious and useful "I feel kind of unnatural looking down to people and they looking up to you" What to do lindsay lohan sex tape? You are such tall. I mean she is almost 6 feet sharp and now imagine her wearing high heels... She will be about 6'2 or something after that. I wonder what kind of guy she wants for herself... Probably 6'6 or something, but not less... I bet she needs a basketball player to date with. Yeah, that's it. They will look kind of sexy and very unreachable for paparazzi if you know what I am saying.

So anyway, I hope you keep reading my reviews because they are fun and very hot.

Would you like to see rachel mcadams naked? If that's so, then I welcome you. This place is something where you can check her out totally without her clothes.
What do we know about her ass? I don't mind calling it two nice pies because that is a precise description for it. If you look at this kelly kelly nude I have hot right here you will be able to check her butt in some different angle which will give you some very nice view of it. But the point is to appreciate them, so go ahead.
I forgot about one thing to put here... it is her quote "I always have an idea who I want to thank if I win" This is pretty obvious. In fact, I say there is no celebrity that would say something quite extraordinary during that ceremony of winning speech. They all sound very banal and to be honest people are getting sick of it. I think, if they don't come up with something spicy or at least unique and different from those "thanks" the crowd won't be clapping at all because this is getting all people bored. Come one you guys, you are so smart... yvonne strahovski nude, you are not stupid blond, aren't you? Then think of anything that would differ from those "I want to thank my producer and my fans. Nothing would be possible without you. Also thanks to my cat Kittles as he inspired me so much with his peeing on my shoes" and some other crap like that.
Yeah, this was pretty fun and I liked it very much. I hope you have same feelings about this. Bye.

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