This afternoon we alerted all Prop 63 Rapid Responders that their donation was needed immediately.
The No on 63 campaign has now crossed the threshold of $200,000 in publicly reported campaign cash. They also got almost $400,000 worth of free slots on statewide voter mailings from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and affiliated groups. Opponents have expanded their radio advertising purchases, purchasing a a heavy blitz for the final four days on four radio stations in the Sacramento media market, the third largest in the state.
We can counter this, but we must act fast. We are running out of time to purchase the additional TV advertising we need to counter this late push by opponents of Prop 63.
Every $1 will help our ads reach 33 additional VOTERS. That means:
$100 = 3,300 additional VOTERS
$1,000 = 33,000 additional VOTERS
$10,000 = 330,000 additional VOTERS
Please give as much as you can as soon as possible.
Donations received within the next 24 hours will go straight to supplementing the Yes on 63 advertising campaign for the final days.
Opposition activity - reported and unreported - is increasing. The truth is, there is enough new activity going on against Prop 63 to cause us all concern. Our best comeback is to get our positive message out to more and more California voters. That is what your donation will be used for. Every dollar we collect from Rapid Responders will be used immediately to boost our advertising airtime purchases.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment and support! Let's do everything we can in the next 24 hours and then celebrate together on November 2.