Here it is - the day we've all been waiting for. It's been a long road over the last two years, from idea to election day.
And here's what you've done. You collected 100,000 volunteer signatures, which, to my knowledge, is unprecedented in ballot initiative history. Almost 4,500 of you have made donations to the campaign. Over one hundred thousand of you have visited this website. Our Flash animation featuring Ed Asner has been viewed close to 15,000 times and counting. Thousands of you came to rallies and other Prop. 63-related events. And thousands of you are on our email list, constituting the mental health constituency that we have never had in this state - until now.
If you're reading this, I'm almost certain that you've already cast your vote as an absentee voter, or that you'll cast your vote today. Please urge everyone you know to vote today, and ask them to vote YES on Prop 63. Our polling shows that it's going to be a close election for us, and we need every vote that we can get. A large number of voters are undecided on Prop. 63, so your talking to people can actually help us get the votes we need to win.
Thanks again for everything. Your help has made all the difference in this campaign, and we couldn't have come this far without you and your dedication.
I like to vote at the polls on election day, so I'll be there first thing this morning. And then I'll wait for the results. I'll try to get a post on the website this evening as the results are coming in.
Darrell, you are right on! Since Proposition 63 passed in November, we mental health consumers have been 100% behind you, especially here in Los Angeles County where we are all excited. Thank you for drafting AB 34 and AB 2034 and with the passage of Proposition 63, now all mental health consumers Statewide receive the benefits of your and our AB 34 and AB 2034 programs, which initially assisted dually diagnosed felons. Keep up with the good fight and may more important legislation come our way.
Posted by: William Legere | April 12, 2005 at 03:00 PM
Darrell, you are right on! Since Proposition 63 passed in November, we mental health consumers have been 100% behind you, especially here in Los Angeles County where we are all excited. Thank you for drafting AB 34 and AB 2034 and with the passage of Proposition 63, now all mental health consumers Statewide receive the benefits of your and our AB 34 and AB 2034 programs, which initially assisted dually diagnosed felons. Keep up with the good fight and may more important legislation come our way.
William Legere, A.A., B.S.
Mental Health Researcher
Posted by: William Legere | April 12, 2005 at 03:02 PM
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