Dear Friends,
Thanks to your great work, we can wake up Wednesday morning, knowing that tens of thousands of people will have a better life. Thank you for making this dream come true; thank you for your vision; thank you for believing in a better California; and thank you for fulfilling our promise. Do not underestimate your achievement. We have done something together that few thought possible. I look forward to seeing you all on the trail so that I can personally thank you.
Your friend, Darrell
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. Steinberg for your unwavering determination to make this happen!
Your compassion is deeply appreciated!
Posted by: Kim Brehm | November 03, 2004 at 07:41 AM
I am so happy that Prop 63 passed!!
It is a great achievement. Thank you!!!
Posted by: DEBORAH BOYLE | November 03, 2004 at 08:18 AM
Congratulations Darrell and everyone who worked so hard to pass Prop 63. Your leadership throughout the campaign was an inspiration.
Posted by: Larry | November 03, 2004 at 08:45 AM
Congratulations Darrell and everyone who worked so hard for this. And thank you to everyone. This is one bright spot today.
Posted by: Barbara Brown | November 03, 2004 at 10:22 AM
Congratulations Darrell and to all the hardwork that employees of Caminar Inc. of San Mateo County. A special thanks to Mrs. Brasher and Carrie Avritt for all their sweat and time. Consumers of mental health need advocates like Assemblyman Steinberg.
Posted by: Michael Schocket | November 03, 2004 at 10:23 AM
Excellant, lets get to work putting together client driven services by and for those who KNOW firsthand what helps.
Congradulations on the best thing to happen to mental health in 30+ years!!!
Willy Collins
Posted by: Willy Collins | November 03, 2004 at 11:42 AM
Posted by: JAN KENNY | November 03, 2004 at 12:02 PM
Thank you, Darrell, for championing this proposition and doing this wonderful thing for us, consumers and their families and friends. We helped, but we couldn't have done it without you. I'm so grateful for what you and your team have done.
Posted by: Barbara Ravetti | November 03, 2004 at 02:44 PM
To Darrell all the wonderful people who worked so hard to to help pass Prop 63:
You have single-handedly done what 36+ years of legislators have been unwilling or unable to do: make California a better place for severely mentally ill people. You've sent a message that it's no longer acceptable for us to let people with a highly treatable illness negatively impact the financial health of California by sucking up the time, effort, energy and limited money of public services [jails, hospitals, police, shelters, courts] when they should be getting help instead. Most estimates state that on any given day there are approximately 50,000 severely mentally ill homeless persons in California; highly successful pilot programs such as AB34 have reached the first 5,000. Thanks directly to you, those of us who work in mental health agencies like MHA-LA can now reach out to the other 45,000. We will not fail you. Every day I see - and work side by side - with mental health clients in recovery, and their accomplishments make me amazed and proud to be their colleague. Thanks for restoring my faith in the political process.
Posted by: Mary Anne Stern | November 03, 2004 at 02:54 PM
There's a name for what this proposal does: Discrimination. This proposition was specifically designed to allow the majority to place unreasonable demands on the minority without any representation. It's mean-spirited and unfair. I myself make nowhere *near* a million dollars a year, but that doesn't mean that people who do should be forced without recourse to pay for public benefits programs. If you all want health care to be subsidized by taxes, the taxes should effect EVERYONE. Of course, no one would vote to support such legislation, so you mean-spiritedly targeted the wealthy because you know that hating those who are successful in our society is now an American pastime. For shame. Everyone who voted for this prop is a discriminatory person.
Posted by: Angry | November 06, 2004 at 11:41 AM
Thank you for your incredible work on Prop 63........we will be able to help so many more people in this state who needlessly suffer silently. All of those who worked so hard to pass Prop 63 should be proud to have fought the "good fight" and now we have even more hard work to do! YIPPEE!!!!!
Posted by: Judy Cooperberg | November 06, 2004 at 01:55 PM
Mental health funding is a very necessary. However, Prop 63 is unconstitutional, will likely be challenged and overturned. Unfortunately, it will delay funding that might have come sooner if a legal alternative had been pursued.
Posted by: Robert | November 07, 2004 at 09:12 PM
Dear Californian,
I work for San Diego County's Mental Health Services and I am appalled that the citizens of California continue to demonstrate such naivety and ignorance at the polls.
I don't know what connection high income earners have with mental illness, but why stop here? They can't outvote the rest of us, so why not tax the wealthiest folks to pay for anything else we deem necessary but don't have the fiscal discipline to budget from the ever increasing general revenues of the State. Why worry about medical insurance – let the wealthy pay for the rest of us. Why stop with health – how about subsidized gasoline, which I'm sure would pass overwhelmingly.
We can squeeze the wealthy until they all leave the State. But of course they wouldn't, except out of principle. The rest will simply increase their income to pay for the taxes and the cost will be passed on to the consumer. When will people learn that a tax on any group is a tax on us all; and each little tax has a cumulative effect of eventually burdening the private sector to the point of collapse. While the communist nations admitted the failure of their well-meaning experiments, and try to dismantle their state-ran economies, why are we trying to go the other way?
Jarvis and Gann showed Californians that it nearly takes a revolution to force government to control taxing and spending. You have been slowly giving back those gains ever since. People, get smart enough to vote against every tax increase of any kind and every bond issue that sucks the lifeblood out of our economy so that your representative can pander for votes from each special interest. We all have a common interest in lean, responsible government entities who do only what they alone can and must do.
Bobbi Koala
Posted by: Bobbi Koala | November 08, 2004 at 01:45 AM
Hello, can somebody, please tell me what's going on in regards to Prop 63. I'm an advocate of Mental Health, and one the many California citazens who help(a little bit)make It pass on Nov. 2nd, but I haven't heard anything about It latetly. Should I be concerned??, please advice.
Thanks truly
Manuel Reyna
Posted by: Manuel Reyna | May 16, 2005 at 09:25 AM
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Posted by: penis size | March 17, 2009 at 04:28 AM
Congratulations Darrell and everyone who worked so hard to pass Prop 63.
Posted by: 3d video player software | November 27, 2011 at 11:16 PM